Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Yes the church is still open on Sundays! While many are practicing social distancing, we will hold worship services, Sunday School, and small groups. Many of these groups and classes are meeting via group calling. Last week, I hosted a group call for my Sunday School class which was about half in attendance and half on the phone. We actually did a little better by doing this. I hope you’ll plan this Sunday to be by your phone if you won’t be coming to join your class. For small group leaders and teachers, you can obtain a list of phone numbers from the church office.
Yes we will hold worship services this Sunday and Sunday night! If your concerns for your health motivate you to stay away, know that you will be missed. However, you can still participate by going online to our website where a video recording of our worship service will be posted shortly after the usual time at this link:
Sadly, social distancing has made some decisions unwelcome yet necessary. One is the suspension of Wednesday night activities for three (one down, two to go) weeks. Additionally, the blood drive is canceled for this Sunday as well as the usual lunch afterwards. I will be meeting with the deacons to determine other hard decisions we may be facing. This meeting will likewise be in-person or by group call. Please pray for our leaders since the drop in giving may force other decisions on us.
On that note, may I remind everyone that you can give online on our website at this link:
Otherwise, the U.S. Postal service is still running and you can mail your giving to the church the old-fashioned way, or drop it off at the church office anytime Monday through Thursday between 8am and 3:30pm and Ginnie Patrick, our church secretary will be happy to take care of it for you.
Wednesday night prayer groups are still forming! Perhaps your Sunday School class can form one or even more than one! Prayer is urgently needed to get us through these difficult days. I’m confident that God will get us through victoriously!
Yours in Christ,
Bro. Bill
Yes the church is still open on Sundays! While many are practicing social distancing, we will hold worship services, Sunday School, and small groups. Many of these groups and classes are meeting via group calling. Last week, I hosted a group call for my Sunday School class which was about half in attendance and half on the phone. We actually did a little better by doing this. I hope you’ll plan this Sunday to be by your phone if you won’t be coming to join your class. For small group leaders and teachers, you can obtain a list of phone numbers from the church office.
Yes we will hold worship services this Sunday and Sunday night! If your concerns for your health motivate you to stay away, know that you will be missed. However, you can still participate by going online to our website where a video recording of our worship service will be posted shortly after the usual time at this link:
Sadly, social distancing has made some decisions unwelcome yet necessary. One is the suspension of Wednesday night activities for three (one down, two to go) weeks. Additionally, the blood drive is canceled for this Sunday as well as the usual lunch afterwards. I will be meeting with the deacons to determine other hard decisions we may be facing. This meeting will likewise be in-person or by group call. Please pray for our leaders since the drop in giving may force other decisions on us.
On that note, may I remind everyone that you can give online on our website at this link:
Otherwise, the U.S. Postal service is still running and you can mail your giving to the church the old-fashioned way, or drop it off at the church office anytime Monday through Thursday between 8am and 3:30pm and Ginnie Patrick, our church secretary will be happy to take care of it for you.
Wednesday night prayer groups are still forming! Perhaps your Sunday School class can form one or even more than one! Prayer is urgently needed to get us through these difficult days. I’m confident that God will get us through victoriously!
Yours in Christ,
Bro. Bill