Bro. Robert (Bob) Bradley
Elder Robert Bradley (known as Brother Bob) was called to become the pastor at FBC Mossy Head in August of 2024. He lives in Defuniak Springs with his wife Jessica and their four children: Abigail, Eleanor, William, and Matthew. He and Jessica have been married since 2009.
Bro. Bob was saved by the Lord’s grace in 1986 when he was eight years old. Though he has not done so perfectly, Bob has tried to follow and honor the Lord with his life, and the Lord has graciously used his experiences to shape him, mold him, and teach him. In 2014, he surrendered to the call of the Lord to preach the Gospel. In 2018 he was ordained to the full work of the gospel ministry by Grace Old Time Missionary Baptist Church in Gallatin, Tennessee. It is his desire to preach and teach the whole counsel of God in truth and boldness. It is his conviction that the Word of God is the gospel; and the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to all them which believe.
Prior to coming to FBC Mossy Head, Bro. Bob pastored a congregation in Hatfield, Arkansas and served as an associate pastor for a church nearby us in DeFuniak Springs. Before surrendering to the call of God to preach, Bro. Bob served as a music minister for congregations in Mississippi, Tennessee, and Alabama.