"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).

At FBC Mossy Head we trust in the promises God makes in His Word. The Scriptures are filled with admonitions for God's people to teach their children in the things of the Lord: to tell them the stories of what God has done, to train them in His precepts and law, and to lead them by example into a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus loved young people and encouraged His disciples to bring them to Himself. The above-referenced quote from Proverbs is a promise of God that we cling to as we seek to minister unto and teach the young people among us.
We are intentional in designing age-appropriate experiences that both teach the Word of God and also encourage growth in faith and fellowship. In other words, we make sure we have fun, but with a purpose!
Our teachers and ministry leaders are prayerfully selected from the membership of the church as those who will lead and care for our young people well. In addition, they are background checked regularly and undergo training in best practices for teaching and nurturing ministries. Furthermore, the church implements protection policies designed to protect everyone involved and to give parents and guardians peace of mind as they entrust their precious young people to our care.
For more information about our offerings for each age group, click on the links below.
Children's Ministry (Nursery-Grade 5)
Student Ministry (Grades 6-12)