Many may find it hard to get excited about administration, as this is the business side of operations in many ways. However, without the service of those gifted to conduct administration, we would not be equipped or organized for the other many facets of our church's ministry efforts. We are thankful for those who have the skills and grace necessary to help us stay organized. It is in an of itself a ministry to the Lord and His Church.
Administrative Ministry encompasses a broad range of critical roles including but not limited to
- Clerk
- Historian
- Treasurer
- Trustees
- Constitution/ByLaws Committee
- Counters
- Personnel Committee
While somewhat different in function, those who monitor and maintain our facilities also help with our administration in caring for our building and grounds, transportation, security, care for the community cemetery, and more.
If you have gifts or skills in administration, we likely have a place for you to exercise your gifts. Due to the nature of the roles involved, administrative ministry is generally reserved to those who have been led by the Lord to be members of the church for at least a year. Still, if the Lord is laying such service on your heart, we would love to know so that we can help you to prayerfully prepare to serve.